Mission leaders are women and men; lay, religious and ordained; individuals with management, pastoral experience or clinical experience, or experience in social service or other healing ministries. Some have recently earned their master of divinity degrees or another graduate degree in theology; some are embarking on a second career in ministry after working in nursing, social work or business management. All come steeped in a deep understanding of Catholic
social teaching and tradition and the desire to help those working in Catholic heath care integrate the mission and values of the organization into every interaction with patients, families, caregivers, co-workers and the community at large.
No one comes to this ministry with all of the core competencies, but most come with many, and all are able and willing to continue their own formation in the service of their ministry.
Mission and Ethics Careers Brochure

This brochure highlights the roles of mission leaders and ethicists in Catholic health care, fleshing out the education and competencies typically associated with both roles as well as explaining responsibilities and activities involved in the day-to-day work. Developed to help attract candidates to Catholic health care, it is offered in a ready-to-use format as well as
customizable versions so that you can add a logo, or include some information about your organization on the back cover.
» Download PDF
» Order customized (or standard) hardcopies in the CHA store
Interested in learning more about becoming a mission leader?
CHA has developed a brochure to share more about mission leadership and the competencies that make a good mission leader.
Download the brochure Meet Some of Today’s Mission Leaders!
Watch these videos to meet some of the amazing women and men who are serving in Catholic health ministry as mission leaders. From all areas of Catholic health’s continuum of care, geographic areas of service and rungs on the career leader career ladder, these videos will introduce you to this important career field.
Rosario Perez, RN
Regional Vice President, Mission Integration
SSM Wisconsin
Michael Miller, Jr.
System Vice President of Mission & Ethics
SSM Health
St. Louis
Patrick Gaughan, MBA, MHA
Senior Vice President
Chief Values Integration Officer
Centura Health
James Sifuentes
Senior Vice President, Mission and Community Development
Saint Anthony Hospital
Peter F. Guarisco, Jr.
Vice President, Mission Effectiveness
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, Inc.
Baton Rouge, La.
Darren M. Henson, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President, Formation Institute and Design
Providence St. Joseph
Laura Richter, M.Div.
System Vice President, Formation and Spirituality
SSM Health
Jenna Speckart (Herron), D. Be.
Vice President, Mission and Ethics
Mercy Hospital Washington
Washington, Mo.