
(N.B. — Much of the information that follows was taken from


  • Department of Energy (DOE) Protecting Human Subjects page — The page has links to human subjects policies and regulations, educational information and resources, genome research resources, computer-based training for human subjects researchers, as well as links to the DOE Human Subjects Working Group, Research Projects Data Base, Worker Health Related Studies, the Human Radiation Experiments, and Scientific Integrity. The DOE newsletter on human research protections is published periodically.
  • National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) — The Commission's charter expired in 2001 and it has been discontinued. This web site has archived information on its meetings, subcommittees, and reports, including: Ethical Issues in Human Stem Cell Research, Research Involving Human Biological Materials: Ethical Issues and Policy Guidance, Research Involving Persons with Mental Disorders That May Affect Decision-making Capacity, and Cloning Human Beings.
  • Office of Research Integrity (ORI) — This DHHS site includes publications, regulations and guidelines, information on whistleblower issues, educational material, case studies and data, and information on research programs in responsible conduct of research and scientific integrity.