CHA Sponsor Formation Program for Catholic Health Care
This program for CHA members will prepare individuals to serve as current or prospective members of Juridic Persons to carry out the health ministry of the Catholic Church.
The in-depth formation program will incorporate group interaction, personal reflection and presentations about key dimensions of sponsorship including theology, ethics, canon law, Catholic social tradition, discernment and spiritual growth.
The program takes place over 18 months in four sessions from March 2024 to Sept. 2025. Participants are selected and endorsed by a sponsoring organization that is a member of CHA. Enrollment is limited and is invitation-only.
For more information, contact
Sr. Teresa Maya, senior director, theology & sponsorship, or
Lori Ashmore-Ruppel, director, sponsor services (314) 427-2500.
» CHA Sponsor Formation Program 2024-2025