Sr. Mary Haddad Appointed to Vatican Office

Pope Francis has appointed Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, to membership in the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. This Vatican office focuses on health care, immigration, charitable works and climate change to promote the well-being and flourishing of the human family worldwide. Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson is prefect of the dicastery and has led since the creation of this new office in 2017.

Dicastery members are selected from the different regions of the world and represent various fields of expertise. As a dicastery member, Sr. Mary, who is CHA president and chief executive officer, will represent Catholic health care in the United States.

“I am honored to serve on the board of this important Vatican office and look forward to representing our health care ministry.” Sr. Mary said.

Other dicastery members who have been appointed from the United States are Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego; Sean Callahan, president and chief executive of Catholic Relief Services; Sr. Shelia Kinsey, FCJM, of the International Union of Superiors General; and Msgr. Robert Vitillo, secretary general of the International Catholic Migration Commission.

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