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Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.
— Matthew 2:13b
Jesus of Nazareth, you destroyed the border
between humanity and divinity to be with us
to be born homeless in Bethlehem,
to be a refugee running for your life;
to be a migrant in the land of Egypt.
We ask your blessing on all migrants and refuges
Be with those who seek to cross borders in our time.
May they find a welcome and a place of safety.
Jesus, Healer of all ills, you mend the body and soul,
Be with those who are sick as they seek a new life,
Be with those traveling with unset bones, open sores,
Unmanaged pregnancies, be with the malnourished traveler
All of them, unable or afraid to seek care.
We pray for the many others whose footsteps are hidden with yours.
Move us into their path that we may care for them as you would have us do.
Knowing that it is you we care for as we care for your migrant mother and father, brother and sister.