Common Call - Stirring the Waters

Gently falling into the pool of God,

I wait patiently for the stirring of the waters.

John 5:1-9


Reader 1
Creative committed leaders will guide the ministry of the future. They will be prepared for their roles in an organized way so that they will animate the ministry from within and ensure its continuity and fidelity to the mission.1

Reader 2
The Catholic identity of the institution will not be a weak vestige of an earlier day, but an active force shaping the decision and actions of trustees, managers, physicians, and employees.2

River of Glory
Daniel L. Schutte, copyright 1991. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission

River of glory, spring of our birth,
Flood of God's riches poured on the earth.
We are born from the darkness and clothed in the light!
We are bathed in the glory of God.

Repeat refrain.

Let us pray...

Loving God, we thank and praise you for the power of Your presence deep in our hearts, the vitality of your presence here in our midst, for this opportunity to come together and celebrate our common call to the healing mission of Jesus. We thank you for the quality of ministry that is represented here, for the many and diverse efforts that continue to contribute to the building of a better world. Confirm and strengthen our vision. Be the Hope that sustains us and strengthens us in the changing, challenging times. Glory and praise to You! Amen.

1 Healthcare Leadership: Shaping a Tomorrow, CHA, 1988, p. 12.
2 Catholic Health Ministry: A New Vision for a New Century, 1988, Commission on Catholic Health Care Ministry, p. 7.

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