Intercessions in Time of Pandemic

Our response is: God, protect them.

For all in direct patient care; give them strength for their service and strength to ask for help when they are in need.

All: God, protect them.

Leader: For all the sick; bring them to full health and restore them to those who love them.

All: God, protect them.

Leader: For all those isolated in their homes; sustain them in joy and peace.

All: God, protect them.

Leader: For all those who have died and those who grieve their loss in isolation; comfort them in their sorrow.

All: God, protect them.

Leader: For decision-makers at all levels; send them your wisdom and good counsel to serve their communities.

All: God, protect them.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.


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