Petitions for World Day of the Sick

Recommended for February 11

Healing to all the sick in our hospitals, nursing homes, rehab or care facilities, and in their homes

Comfort to those who have recently been diagnosed with a grave disease or who are undergoing treatments that make them ill

Peace to the depressed, emotionally distraught and to those with mental illnesses whose minds play tricks on them and who lose their grip on reality.

Tranquility to those with dementia who are forgetting their loved ones and their precious memories

Patience to those with chronic or debilitating diseases that rob them of energy, vigor, strength, mobility and hope for their futures.

Joy to children whose illnesses have limited their ability to be with their friends and families and play as children should.

Perseverance to our wounded warriors suffering physically or mentally from the injuries they have incurred or sights they have seen in war.

Release to those with addictions to food, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pornography, sex and other addictions that rob the dignity of the human spirit and lead to illness, death and crime

Strength to our employees who are suffering from illnesses that make coming to work or doing their work difficult

For all of the sick in mind, body and soul, we pray . . .
R. Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy.

For the suffering, send a spirit of…

Consolation to those who grieve the death of a loved one, a dream or vision of the future.

Forgiveness for broken relationships with spouses, children, parents, friends, coworkers, employers.

Resourcefulness to those lacking the basic necessities of life due to unemployment, underemployment, the unequal distribution of the world's goods and natural disasters in our own country and around the world

Bravery to those who suffer from man's inhumanity to man — human trafficking, tyranny, genocide, the ravages of war.

Steadfastness to the those persecuted for their faith and their standing up for righteousness and to those who experience prejudice because of race, ethnicity, gender or any other cause.

Purpose to those who have lost hope and are contemplating or have attempted suicide.

For those who suffer in ways in which we cannot imagine or know, we pray . . .
R. Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy. For the dying, send a spirit of …

Consolation to those who face death suddenly through a catastrophic health crisis, a fatal accident or violent crime.

Courage to people who have just received a diagnosis of a terminal condition.

Forgiveness where there is estrangement.

Calm to the dying who are restless or agitated

Acceptance for those whose pain we cannot relieve

For all the dying and those who wait with them, we pray . . . R Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy.

For caregivers, send a spirit of …

Perseverance to caregivers who are tired or overwhelmed


Compassion when we minister with patients who are difficult to get along with

Love when those we care far are verbally or physically abusive toward us.

Empathy for the front line caregivers in hospitals, nursing homes and other institutional settings

Wisdom to help us maintain appropriate professional boundaries

Patience for those who care for family members in a home setting

Service for home health aides, hospice nurses and other professional health care workers who enter into the intimate spaces in the homes of the sick, suffering and dying

For all of us as we care for ourselves, our families and our patients and for all caregivers, we pray . . . R Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy.

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