Prayer for Voting, Citizenship, and the Common Good

Recommended for November 5

Gracious and Loving God,

We come before you as citizens of this nation, grateful for the gift of democracy and the privilege of participating in the shaping of our society. As we prepare to vote in this election, guide our hearts and minds with the wisdom of your Spirit so that we may act with integrity and justice.

Guide us as we exercise our right and responsibility to vote. Help us look beyond personal gain or political division and instead focus on the common good—that which benefits all, especially the most vulnerable among us. May we be mindful of the dignity of every human person and the sacredness of life from conception to natural death.

Grant us the wisdom to discern leaders who will work for justice, protect the poor, and care for the environment. May we also seek policies that promote peace and reconciliation in a world too often divided by hatred and fear.

We pray for all who will be elected to lead our country. May they be guided by a spirit of service and compassion, and may their actions reflect a true commitment to the well-being of all.

You call us to be faithful citizens, not only of this nation but of your Kingdom. May our decisions always reflect your love, justice, and peace. Let us build a society rooted in love, equality, and respect for all through our votes, our voices, and our actions.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Reflection on Citizenship and the Common Good
As faithful citizens, we are called to engage in the political process with hearts rooted in the Gospel. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) reminds us that our participation in voting is an extension of our faith and an act of love for our neighbors. By casting our votes, we have the opportunity to advance policies that protect life, promote justice, and care for the vulnerable. In a world often divided by partisan politics, let us remember that our primary allegiance is to Christ and His call to love and serve all people. As we vote, may we seek the common good, which upholds the dignity and well-being of every person.

Faithful Citizenship

The Role of the Church in American Political Life
Do's and Don'ts Guidelines During Election Season

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