2019 World Humanitarian Day

Recommended for August 19

Today we remember all those who work to provide aid and medicine to the tens of millions suffering from conflicts and disasters. As we pray, let our response be:

Faithful God, comforter to the afflicted, hear our prayer.

For all those who have dedicated their lives to providing the basic needs of human life to those suffering from violence and disaster, that God will guide their efforts and protect them from harm. We pray to the Lord …

Faithful God, comforter to the afflicted, hear our prayer.

For all those who volunteer their time and talent to humanitarian efforts, that their witness may inspire others to action. We pray to the Lord …

Faithful God, comforter to the afflicted, hear our prayer.

For all those who financially support humanitarian organizations, that their gifts will bear much fruit. We pray to the Lord …

Faithful God, comforter to the afflicted, hear our prayer.

For all those suffering from war, conflict, violence and disasters, that they will experience Christ’s love through the efforts of these holy men and women we recognize today. We pray to the Lord …

Faithful God, comforter to the afflicted, hear our prayer.

For an end to war and violence, that we will come to live more fully as the global Body of Christ. We pray to the Lord …

Faithful God, comforter to the afflicted, hear our prayer.

For each of us, that we may respond to Christ’s call in our hearts to serve the least among us. We pray to the Lord …

Faithful God, comforter to the afflicted, hear our prayer.

Healing God, be near to humanitarian workers, true messengers of your love. Guide their thoughts and actions, keep them safe from all harm and encourage the global community to work toward a society of peace, justice and the flourishing of all human life. In your name we pray. Amen.

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