World Water Day (Prayer 2)

Recommended for March 22

O God, you are my God—
it is you I seek!
For you my body yearns;
for you my soul thirsts,
In a land parched, lifeless,
and without water.

How many of your children, Lord, live in dry and dangerous lands? In harsh and polluted lands? What must I do to serve them?

Let me begin with gratitude: for each glass of water, for each minute in the shower, for each time the simple gift of water brings refreshment to my life.

Let me then move to action: to refrain from waste, to support clean-water efforts, to pray for those who dare to make change.

You, Lord, give refreshment to the soul through the living waters of your love. Let the waters of these lands be made safe, clean and cool, that they may bring life and health to our bodies.

The Spirit and the bride say,
"Come." Let the hearer say, "Come."
Let the one who thirsts come forward,
and the one who wants it, receive the
gift of life-giving water.


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