2016 World Day of the Sick

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
February 11, 2016

God of all goodness,
Look with mercy on all who suffer any kind of infirmity, sickness or injury,
that they may be comforted.

Let your hand of healing and protection be upon them.
When they are fearful, ease their fear and anxieties.
When they are afraid, give them strength and courage.
When they feel alone, send them someone to listen and to care.
When they are confused, provide reassurance and direction.
When they are in pain, ease their suffering.
When they despair, give them hope.
May they experience your healing presence
in the comfort of a caregiver's calm gaze and tender touch.

God of compassion and comfort,
Help caregivers to see your face in the faces
of those who suffer illness, pain or infirmity.

May they reach out with compassionate hearts and capable hands.
May they have the ability to calm those who are anxious.
May they be present to those who feel alone.
May they offer hope to those in despair.
May they bring comfort where there is pain.
May they provide reassurance amidst confusion and doubt.

O Lord, enclose all who are sick and those who care for them in your healing embrace.
We pray through the intercession of Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes.

[Adapted from prayers submitted to CHA's ministry-wide prayer campaign Hear Us, Heal Us, by Sister Jane McConnell, OSF, BCC; VP, Mission Integration, St. Mary's Health, Evansville, Indiana; Ascension Health; Daily We Seek You: Reflections and Prayers for Individuals, Caregivers and Ministry Teams.]

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