As the official newspaper of the Catholic Health Association of the United States, Catholic Health World reports on the association's members and topics important to the Catholic health ministry including community benefit, continuum of care and aging services, ethics, grassroots advocacy, public policy and federal affairs, ministry and leadership development, mission integration and sponsorship.
Catholic Health World is published monthly. It is distributed as a benefit of CHA membership to leaders in Catholic hospitals, long-term care facilities and health systems. Catholic Health World's audience includes sponsors, executives, chief financial officers, administrators, trustees, selected department managers and policymakers.
The Catholic Health Association reserves the right to decline advertisements that do keep with the association's publication standards.
Ordering and Billing
Insertion orders and ad materials must be received on or before our advertising close dates. Catholic Health World will do its best to meet the needs of advertisers; however, any changes or cancellations received after the advertising close date cannot be guaranteed.
An invoice for advertisements will be sent with a copy of the issue after publication. The Catholic Health Association accepts MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. Please note that all advertising is non-commissionable.
Four Color Preferred Formats
High-resolution Adobe Acrobat Files
High-resolution PDF file distilled with "Press Quality" settings with all color in CMYK, not RGB or Pantone colors. All fonts, including system fonts, need to be embedded.
Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign CS3 – CS5.5
Submit files with fonts and artwork packaged with file. All color in ad must be in CMYK. Mail files on CD or send by email as a StuffIt Archive or ZIP file. Accompany CDs with hard copy.
Black and White Preferred Formats
- Adobe Acrobat PDF file. High-resolution PDF file created in Adobe Acrobat Distiller (use "Press Quality" setting).
- Macintosh QuarkXpress file (version 6.5). Collect for output with fonts, pictures, and report.
- Adobe Illustrator (version CS2 or earlier) with embedded art and all type converted to outlines.
Shipping Instructions
Please send insertion order, correspondence, film, proofs and discs to: Advertising Coordinator, Catholic Health World, 4455 Woodson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63134-3797. Direct line: (314) 253-3424, Fax: (314) 427-0029.
"Executive Referral" Classified Line Advertising
Catholic Health World publishes line advertisements of positions available. The prices include a free posting in the online Job Listings. Catholic Health World edits line advertisements for consistency in style formatting.
Pricing: The first 50 words cost $40. Each additional word costs 75 cents. A $40 discount applies to a line ad published in three consecutive issues.
2025 Advertising Close Dates
(Volume 41)
Issue No. | Issue Date | Advertising Close Dates
1 | January |
| Dec.16 |
2 | February |
| Jan. 21 |
4 | March |
| Feb.17
6 | April |
| March 24
7 | May |
| April 21
9 | June |
| May19
11 |
July |
| June 16
12 | August |
| July 21 |
14 | September |
| Aug. 19
16 | October |
| Sept. 22 |
17 | November |
| Oct. 20 |
19 | December |
| Nov. 24
1 | January |
| Dec. 29