Holy Spirit, Geisinger explore options in south central Pennsylvania

October 1, 2013

Holy Spirit Health System in Camp Hill, Pa., and Geisinger Health System in Danville, Pa., said on Sept. 9 that they have signed a letter of intent to explore ways they can work together on health care through a strategic affiliation in south central Pennsylvania.

The nonprofit organizations said in a joint statement they are looking at ways to provide a more accessible, efficient and effective health care delivery system for the region. The due diligence process and execution of a final agreement are expected to take six to nine months.

Sr. Romaine Niemeyer, SCC, Holy Spirit Health System's president and chief executive, said, "The Sisters of Christian Charity, in their sponsorship role, and the board of directors are committed to ensuring the mission-driven Catholic identity of Holy Spirit Health System." Holy Spirit leaders said that Geisinger shares Holy Spirit's core values, has a physician-led integrated system recognized for its use of electronic health records and innovative care models, offers an affiliated health insurance plan and complements Holy Spirit's strong presence in the Harrisburg, Pa., area. The system includes Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill, and it provides care in five Pennsylvania counties in the Harrisburg region through outpatient centers, family health centers and free care at a drop-in clinic in Harrisburg for the underserved and underinsured.

The Holy Spirit system has about 2,900 employees and about 500 physicians on its hospital medical staff, the majority of whom are independent physicians. Its services include acute care, home health, emergency medical services, outpatient facilities and physician practices.

Geisinger has more than 19,000 employees, including a 1,000-member multispecialty group practice, six hospital campuses, two research centers and a 413,000-member health plan.


Copyright © 2013 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States
For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3477.

Copyright © 2013 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.