
To solve the crisis, Catholic health care needs an action plan based on church.

Although rarely given credit for it, Catholic women religious were instrumental in creating U.S. health care.

Women religious have long provided care for America's poor, outcast, and disenfranchised.

The winner of CHA's "Call for Innovative Ideas" contest discusses the nurse shortage.

An interview with Sr. Clarann Weinert, SC, RN, PhD.

A group at Bon Secours Health System, Inc., has developed a vision for nursing in the future.

Catholic Health East has responded to the nurse shortage with a systemwide initiative.

A new book from the American Hospital Association addresses the growing crisis.

A joint study shows the New Covenant initiative to be alive and kicking.

New Covenant in action in the St. Petersburg/Tampa, FL.,area—the first in a series of articles.

The second in a series of six genetics case studies.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.