
The bringing together of two different — and very successful — Catholic health care cultures was a complex effort.

When merging their cultures, health care organizations will choose one of four possible conceptual approaches.

Atlanta's Saint Joseph's Health System combines the "Southern Tradition" with the "Mercy Philosophy"

Several noteworthy legal developments have arisen since the wave of merger activity in the late 1990s.

The Catholic health ministry involves the practice of faith in the practice of medicine.

An interview with Sr. June L. Ketterer, SGM, and David R. Lincoln of Covenant Health Systems.

Health care workers hope to find integrity in their work, in their organizations, and in their leaders.

Hospitals now have compelling reasons for strengthening core systems and boosting their share of the acute care market.

Congregations have choices in deciding how an where to provide care for their aging members.

Auxiliary workers should be treated as full partners in the Catholic health mininstry.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.