
The human community must decide whether it will lead — or be led by — developments resulting from the new genetic sciences.

Recent Genetic Advances Will Have Far-Reaching Implications for both society at large and for Catholic health care in particular.

Is the Ministry Prepared to deal with ethical questions concerning genetic screening and stem cell research?

For Catholic health care, prenatal genetic testing raises questions because of frequent association with abortions.

When it comes to genetic information, what is the appropriate balance between an individual's privacy and the needs of others?

The genetic revolution may confirm the church's teachings concerning human solidarity and the importance of seeing children as a divine gift.

Five traditional Catholic values could help society protect job and health insurance applicants from negative genetic test consequences.

For some, genetic testing has become a kind of eschatological vision, promising limitless human enhancement.

A Christian vision of bioethics emphasizes the need for the evangelization of culture, including the culture of scientific communities.

This major culture shift, which began in the 1950s and '60s, now affects all aspects of life, including health care.

After years of cost cutting and repositioning, Catholic health care organizations are starting to explore opportunities for revenue growth.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.