
Genuine leaders, having discovered something in life that really matters to them, make other people want to come along and help out.

When selecting a new CEO, a Catholic healthcare organization will want to examine whether the candidates' actions have been congruent with their stated values.

In organizations that persist through turbulent times, one usually discovers leaders who live their lives as though they were the stewards of a precious legacy.

Leadership requires integrity, compassion, spontaniety, an ability to awaken others, and — as Jesus had — a gift for turning apparent failure into growth and transfiguration.

Leaders in Catholic healthcare are called to ensure that a concern for justice permeates all organizational relationships.

Because people tend unconsciously to use one of four different approachs in making ethical decisions, the secret to resolving conflict among leaders lies in getting all involved to use the same approach.

Chicago's Saint Anthony Hospital is involved in an aggressive outreach campaign to make sure eligible children in the community are signed up for Medicaid benefits.

In Boise, ID, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center has formed a partnership with five Catholic schools to fulfill students' health and spiritual needs.

Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center, Bronx, NY, has prepared for the coming "graying of America" by creating a new geriatrics division and program.

This Bronx, NY, facility has inaugurated a program that integrates ethical decision making at both the clinical and the organizational levels.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.