
Elements of the direct employment model are discussed in this excerpt from Linking Hospital and Physicians: A Values-Based Guide to Legal Structures.

Healthcare organizations can create environments that promote the spiritual well-being of their employees.

Through specific processes and programs, healthcare organizations can make spirituality an integral component of work.

A task force at Sisters of Mercy Health System-St. Louis identified skills its workers will need in the twenty-first century.

Healthcare organizations can learn important lessons about maintaining productive working relationships with employees from UPS's example.

A supportive care program eases the transition between the hospital and home, especially for older patients.

The evolution of the concept of "sponsorship" mirrors the changing relationship between the Church and Catholic healthcare organizations.

Providence Health System has integrated its continuum of care through quality study groups and improved communication systems.

In Chicago, Accord Health Network has tailored a closer fit between healthcare services and homes for older people; in Phoenix, the Foundation for Senior Living focuses on the most vulnerable and difficult populations to serve.

Examples of innovative services for aging and chronically ill persons submitted in response to a CHA request.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.