
Physicians should not be allowed to refuse to treat.

Patients do not have a right to demand medically useless treatment.

To gain physician support for quality management, hospital administrators must treat physicians as customers.

A public health agency, a business, and a Catholic provider open a clinic.

Healthcare providers tell how to form solid relationships with other providers, physicians, communities, and payers.

Integrated Delivery Network, St. Louis; Synergon Health System, Chicago

St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, NY

Mercy Health Services, Farmington Hills, MI

Sisters of Providence Health System, Portland, OR; Mercy Healthcare Sacramento, CA

Genesys Health System, Flint, MI, designs and builds a patient-focused care delivery network.

A list of recent Health Progress articles on integrated delivery networks.

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.