
Prayer Service — Springtime Prayer

March-April 2004


Lord God, in this time of longer, warmer days, soft rains, and gradual greening, we recognize anew that we are surrounded by your gifts. Winter gives way to spring, darkness gives way to light, and dormancy gives way to new life. Hear our prayer of praise and gratitude, remembering especially those who cultivate the land, those who plant and gather, who feed our vast nation and peoples.

Alternating Sides
Lord God, you have remembered our land and watered it,
Enriching it greatly.

God's reservoirs are filled;
You have prepared the grain.

Thus have you prepared the land for growth:
Drenching its furrows, breaking up its clods,
Softening it with rain showers, blessing its yield.

You have blessed the year with your bounty,
And your land brings forth a rich harvest
With which the untilled meadows overflow.
Rejoicing fills the hills.

The fields are covered with flocks
And the valleys are saturated with grain.
They shout and sing for joy.

Psalm 65:1-6, 10-14.

Psalm Prayer

God, you created all things through your Son, Jesus. You have visited the land and watered it; you bring forth the bounty. Remain with us, your Church, especially those women and men working in rural communities and on family farms. Bless them with health and good harvests, that together we may serve you and the needs of your people. We ask this through Christ, your Son and our Brother.


Sr. Patricia Talone, RSM, PhD
Vice President, Mission Services
Catholic Health Association



Prayer Service - Springtime Prayer

Copyright © 2004 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States

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