
Product Image A Guide to Understanding Public Juridic Persons in the Catholic Health Ministry
A Guide to Understanding Public Juridic Persons in the Catholic Health Ministry. This updated and expanded guide addresses changes in sponsorship structures and assists sponsors and those in management >>

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Product Image CHA STUDY GUIDE for the Second Edition of The Pastoral Role of the Diocesan Bishop in Catholic Health Care Ministry
The CHA Study Guide for The Pastoral Role of the Diocesan Bishop in Catholic Health Care Ministry, a newly revised document of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), is a valuable >>

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Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Guide for Sponsors in Catholic Health Care: An Explanation of Purpose, Qualifications, Structures and Competencies
A valuable and timely guide for new, current and prospective sponsor members about the distinctive role of sponsors and important role of the laity for the health ministry of the Catholic Church.The >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Sponsor Reflection Guide
Sponsorship Reflection Guide is a sponsor resource to serve as an opportunity for ongoing formation focused on principles related to sponsorship. In this guide there are two >>

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Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Temporal Goods at the Service of the Mission of Ministerial Juridic Persons
CHA presents this new publication in support of persons with direct responsibility for the temporal goods of Public Juridic Persons in the Catholic Church. The resource updates and builds upon the >>

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Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image The Call to Sponsorship Today: How is the Spirit Moving Among Us? Session 2: Where Is the Charism in Health Care?
Join CHA for a compelling three-part series exploring the evolving role of sponsorship in Catholic health care. We will examine pressing questions, spark a national dialogue, and highlight essential elements >>

Your Price:$100.00
Non-Member Price:$100.00