Catholic Health World Articles

Tots, elders relish weekly sing-alongs

Jun 1, 2018, 12:38 PM
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Wednesdays are a little bit rowdier around Cabrini of Westchester in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., since the long-term care facility began hosting an intergenerational music class late last year for its residents and for a lively group of local tots.

The weekly Babies & Grands Music class welcomes elders living at the facility and the pint-sized troubadours — ages six months to three years — for 45 minutes each week of singing, laughing, playing instruments and making new friends. The together time begins with a hello song and then continues with finger plays, music making, and games to make cleanup fun.

Jenny Murphy of Yonkers, N.Y., developed Babies & Grands after 15-plus years of teaching musical enrichment programming to children and elders separately. She decided to unite elders and toddlers through music to address the isolation that both elders and families with young children can experience. Research shows that intergenerational programming improves participants' sense of well-being, according to information from Cabrini.

Many children must be coaxed to leave their "Grands" at the end of each session. But, there's always next Wednesday to look forward to.


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