Laudato Si' Week

Join CHA and the global Catholic community in commemorating the anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Laudato Si': On Care For Our Common Home," during Laudato Si' Week on May 19 to 26, 2024.

The theme of Laudato Si’ Week 2024 is "Seeds of Hope." As we embrace the new habits suggested by the Laudato Si' Movement this year, let us reflect on these words from Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical: "There are no lasting changes without cultural changes … and there are no cultural changes without personal changes" (LS, 70).

Visit the Laudato Si’ Week website for resources, events, and more information about how to host a screening of the Letter.

CHA also offers resources (see below) for Catholic health care to use in their Laudato Si' Week activities.


Laudato Si’ Action Platform

Laudato Si' Resources

2024 Earth Day Webinar: "Earth Day: Food Strategies that Care for Creation" – How our food is produced, processed, transported, consumed, and disposed of profoundly impacts individual, community, and planetary health. As health care organizations look at ways to reduce their environmental impact, changes in food strategies are critical.

2023 Earth Day Webinar: "Investing in our Planet" – This Earth Day webinar explores the national theme of "Invest in Our Planet" and its relevance to the Catholic health ministry. Learn about investments being made by health care organizations to increase sustainability and the importance of using Laudato Si' to guide these efforts.

2022 Earth Day Webinar: "Integral Ecology: The Bond Between Justice and Caring for Creation" – Learn the meaning and significance of the concept of integral ecology for shaping our response to the climate crisis. What changes are we willing to make to move towards an integral ecology and ensure the health of our common home for future generations?

Laudato Si' Action Platform: Answering the Call to Care for Creation webinar – Learn about the Vatican initiative to move the global Catholic Church to action on the environmental crisis and why health care is viewed as a critical partner.

Video presentation: Everything is Connected
» Watch the video, with Pope Francis' Prayer for Care of Creation at the end (approx. 6 minutes)
» Watch the video minus the closing prayer (less than 4 minutes)

Video presentation: Addressing Climate Change
» Watch the video, with Pope Francis' Prayer for Care of Creation at the end (approx. 6 minutes)
» Watch the video minus the closing prayer  (less than 4 minutes)

Video presentation: Less is More
» Watch the video, with Pope Francis' Prayer for Care of Creation at the end (approx. 6 minutes)
» Watch the video minus the closing prayer (less than 4 minutes)

» See all Laudato Si’ resources