National Nurses Week

Each year from May 6 to May 12, communities across the country recognize the invaluable work of nurses during National Nurses Week. This day is an important opportunity for Catholic health care to honor nurses for their compassionate, quality care. To honor our ministries' nurses, and to celebrate their gifts and talents, CHA is pleased to be able to share some resources that might be of use in your activities.

A Special Time of Blessing for Nurses

During this week of celebration, we invite nurses to reflect on their calling to the vocation of nursing through the brief guided meditation offered below. We deeply appreciate your embodiment of compassion, your provision of quality care and your commitment to recognizing the inherent value in every person, viewing each life as a sacred gift and acknowledging every human being as a unity of body, mind and spirit.

» A Special Time of Blessing for Nurses (audio)
» Un tiempo especial de bendición para las enfermeras y enfermeros (audio)

Thank A Nurse – Send A Personalized Note

How to:

  1. Download and save the form below to your device.
  2. Complete the form with your intended message.
  3. Save the form using the "save as" function. If you are sending it to multiple nurses, we suggest saving the document using that person's name as the title.
  4. Attach the form to an email message for the nurse you wish to recognize or print and deliver it to your recipient(s).

» Fillable Note – English
» Fillable Note – Spanish 
