Prayer for Healing Health Care Disparities

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As we gather this morning, let us reflect quietly on God's presence with us, now and always.

Jesus calls us to be aware of the chasm in health care today, the disparity in care that results in worse outcomes for persons who are made vulnerable because they are unjustly kept outside the mainstream of community life. Jesus calls us to act for justice. He calls us to bring comfort and healing to those who do not sit at the table today. Jesus calls us to advocate for persons on the margins of society, and to promote and defend human dignity.

Committed to the beliefs that every person is a treasure, every life a sacred gift, bless our work to diminish the chasm of disparity and bring about greater justice and equity in health care. Bless our work and all those in our community who need our care. We ask this in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
