Prayer for the Family and Friends of an Addict

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O, dear Lord, to you I pray,
Watch over my addict by night and day.
On his/her shoulders he/she carries a heavy load
Traveling along life's bumpy road.
Life is hard enough with the normal day to day
Add the disease of addiction, and the piper you pay.
The turmoil, the struggle, to stay sober and clean
Truly, a battle to survive, giving up on your dream.
Take him/her by the hand, let your will be done
Help him/her learn how to have good, clean fun.
Through prayer and self-help groups, let him/her learn how to cope
No pills, no drugs, no alcohol or dope.
An addict is and will always be,
But working those steps leads to recovery.
Help him/her be honest, open and willing in life.
Guide him/her through all the struggles and strife.
God, just for today, one day at a time
Ease his/her suffering, help him/her find peace of mind.
And Lord, help those that love him/her understand
Just how easy things can get out of hand.
Help me remember that addiction is a disease
Keep him/her in my prayers when I'm down on my knees.
Bless his/her brothers, sisters, friends and sponsors
Help him/her to live sober, even if just for today.
Please help the addict that still suffers to find the way.
Lord, in your name, this I pray.

— From Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas City