Prayer for the Uninsured

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A Prayer of Commitment

Today, we will recall in a particular way those in our society who do not carry health insurance. We will hear their stories and be moved by them. We will study some of the root causes for the lack of coverage. We will come to a deeper awareness of the ways in which lack of coverage affects so many different areas of our country's economy and quality of life. As we begin our planning, let us choose as a health care system to recommit ourselves to serve the uninsured and advocate for their cause.
I invite you to call to mind all those persons that you have met who live without the security of health insurance – persons that you have met in the course of your work, persons in your neighborhood, persons even in your own family. (Pause for reflection.)
With these persons in mind, we make our commitment:
As disciples of Jesus, Friend of the Poor,

We commit to meet uninsured persons without judgment, but curiosity – eager to understand more deeply the conditions that led to their lack of coverage.

As disciples of Jesus, Healer,

We commit to serve the health needs of those who come to us without the ability to pay.

As disciples of Jesus, the Preacher,

We commit to speak out against the injustices in our society and advocate for those who need health coverage.

As disciples of Jesus, the Crucified,

We commit not to lose hope in the face of the many forces working against health coverage for all, but to remain faithful amidst challenge.

As disciples of Jesus, the Resurrected One,

We commit to believe in the power of God to see through on God's promise of a Kingdom in which all are welcome, in which all are whole, in which there will be “no more tears or sorrow.”

Lord, you have heard our prayer of commitment. Give us the strength, courage, and perseverance that we will need to live it out. Show us more clearly the paths that you would have us to take in service and advocacy for the uninsured. We trust you and know that you will be with us in our efforts. As disciples of Jesus, your Son, we pray:
