A Prayer for the Philippines Disaster Victims

A Prayer for Our Brothers and Sisters in the Philippines Suffering the Effects of Typhoon Haiyan

Lord, in this time of great need we plead for your mercy for those who suffer the effects of Typhoon Haiyan. Today, many people are afraid, fearing for their lives, fearing their loved ones are among the dead and fearing for their future safety. Those who are injured and ill cry for relief. Comfort them and give them hope. Console their hearts and ease their pain.

Lord, help us to help them, to know what to do and to have the compassion, fortitude and creativity to do it. Move us to respond now to the urgent needs that cannot wait. Steady us to be there in the future as the victims of this disaster rebuild. Give us the grace of generosity—in our prayers and our contributions.

We are all brothers and sisters: we are the work of your hands. Receive the dead into your love. Comfort the survivors with the power and protection of your peace. May we love as you love, and may we all find peace in this tumultuous world. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.


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