A Prayer for Ukraine - Come Near, O God

We, the people of Catholic health care, pray for all those enduring the impact of war in Ukraine. We look to you and your promises, O God, that you would come near. For this we pray:

Emmanuel, the One with,

Be the refuge and hiding place you promise to be. Show your mercy by safe transport to places of protection and respite. Break the silence and bring words of comfort to surround dispersed families and friends with your love. Receive their tears and groans and shouts like only you can. By your presence, may your people know hope.

Come near, O Emmanuel.

El Shaddai, the One who nourishes and blesses,

Be the source and provision you promise to be.
Show your mercy to all who hunger and thirst and give them what they need.
Relieve their fears and come to their aid with food and drink that satisfies.
Fill their bellies and quench their souls that they may believe in your faithfulness.
By the plentiful bounty you pour forth, may your people know sustenance.

Come near, O El Shaddai.

Elohim, the One who stands above all understanding,

Be the harmonious ruler you promise to be. Show your mercy to all those who question your power. Break through the seemingly impossible reality and establish your unity to reign. Turn the minds and hearts of those who choose war; you alone can do this. By your reconciling hand, may your people know peace.

Come near, O Elohim.

We raise our petitions to you, O God, in faith. As your mercy restores your people to life, so too may we be guided to diligent prayer, lifting your children up before you with confidence that you will be moved to compassion.

Come near and come quickly, O God.



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