A Reflection for National Skilled Nursing Care Week

Recommended for May 1

There is no such thing as a trivial encounter or an unimportant detail when it comes to caring for our elders.

During National Skilled Nursing Care Week we celebrate and thank the many women and men serving across the country.

Yours are the hands aiding our loved ones who have left the familiar settings of their own homes to make a new home. You are a new support for those who now depend on others for help with things they have always done for themselves. You are the voices of understanding, asking questions about full lives, and ears of grace, listening to the rich stories of meaningful lives. You are the ears, voice, support and hands of Christ to those you serve.

Your direct care and loving presence is always heroic. In this time of pandemic, when nursing homes are so at risk, your service is even more selfless.  Your innovation, compassion and commitment to those in your care has brought comfort to the many families unable to physically visit and minister to their loved ones. You've inspired the nation.

This week and always, we honor your unwavering commitment and we pray for you.

Gracious God, hear our prayer for all who serve our elders.

Gentle their hearts with compassion, that they might see and respond generously to the needs of those in their care.

Strengthen them with your encouraging presence and love that they might be constant in their service, even in times of fatigue and distress.

Lift their spirits, bolster their resolve, grant them resilience; keep them well and help them know your love.


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