Prayer for Caregivers in the Face of Disparities

Today we pray for persons serving in Catholic health ministry, those women and men who are called to be aware of the chasm in health care today. May they have eyes open to the disparity in care that results in worse outcomes for persons who are made vulnerable because they are unjustly kept outside the mainstream of community life.

May they act for justice, and bring comfort and healing to those persons who do not sit at the table today. Let them advocate for those on the margins of society, and promote and defend human dignity.

God, our creator, we give you thanks for all the blessings of this life, especially for the gift of each other and our work. Every person is a treasure, every life a sacred gift. Through our work we strive to diminish the chasm of disparity and bring about greater justice and equity. We ask your blessing on our gathering today and on all those in our communities who need our care, attention and focus.


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