In the Wake of a Hurricane

Catholic Charities launches relief fund for those impacted by hurricanes

"Almighty God, we recognize how small we are, and how powerless in the face of nature when its full power is unleashed. Therefore, open our hearts in prayer and our hands in generosity, so that our words may bring comfort and our gifts bring aid. Be with us now and with all humanity as we strive to mend what has been injured and rebuild what has been destroyed."

- Sir Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi, British Commonwealth

Leader: Good and Gracious God, we come to you in prayer that you might be with all those suffering the impacts of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Our hearts are heavy with sorrow for their losses of life, shelter, employment and hope. Quiet our minds and voices so that we may be able to hear, speak and do your will. Using the words of Psalm 69, let us pray.

Reader: (Psalm 69:14-18,34-37)
I pray to you, Lord, for the time of your favor.
God, in your great kindness answer me with your constant help.
Rescue me from the mire; do not let me sink.
Rescue me from my enemies and from the watery depths.
Do not let the floodwaters overwhelm me,
nor the deep swallow me,
nor the mouth of the pit close over me.
Answer me, Lord, in your generous love;
in your great mercy turn to me.
Do not hide your face from your servant;
in my distress hasten to answer me!
… For the Lord hears the poor, does not spurn those in bondage.
Let the heavens and the earth sing praise,
the seas and whatever move in them!
God will rescue Zion, rebuild the cities of Judah.
God's servants shall dwell in the land and possess it;
it shall be the heritage of their descendants;
those who love God's name shall dwell there.

Leader: Holy God, look with pity upon all those who have been left homeless, bereft, and in shock in the wake of this disaster.

All: May your loving compassion bring healing, O Lord.

Leader: Source of all Consolation, welcome those who have died to your never-failing care and give comfort to those who grieve. Bring recovery and health to our neighbors who are injured.

All: May your loving compassion bring healing, O Lord.

Leader: God of compassion, be with those caregivers. Grant them empathy and endurance, that in these even longer days of caregiving they might also find moments of respite.

All: May your loving compassion bring healing, O Lord.

Leader: God of Mercy, grant us to the courage, strength and generosity to bring help to those among us who suffer and restore them to wholeness.

All: May your loving compassion bring healing, O Lord.

Leader: We ask all these things in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

All: Amen.

Additional prayer links:

A Prayer in a Time of Disaster
Prayer for Those Affected and Those Providing Relief in Time of Disaster
Prayer for Hurricane Victims
A Prayer for Persons Suffering as a Result of a Natural Disaster (also in Spanish)

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