2019 International Day of Peace - Prayer 1

Recommended for September 21

Inspired to serve through our vocation, we pray that our families, neighborhoods, cities and world will come to know peace, freedom and unity.

God of Shalom, you invite us to dialogue for peace. We hear you greet the stranger, the Samaritan, the enemy, the leper, with, "Peace be with you." May we send greetings of hospitality to our neighbors, rather than messages of division or judgement.

Through reflection on moments in Christ's life, teach us your way for peace:

  • You called the disciples to see the eyes of a child as a doorway to peace in their anxieties about time and efficiency
  • You halted judgment and brought compassion for the woman committing adultery, and freed her guilt
  • You calmed the storm in the sea and quelled the fear of those tossed on the waves
  • You created peace at a table of your friends by washing their feet

God of Peace, you rescue and restore all humanity. You gift us with your peace, which surpasses all. Help us build up structures of safety within our nations, health systems, neighborhoods and families, that we may be fully alive with the peace of Christ and see your ways as our ways.
For this we pray.


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