Litany Prayer for Physicians

Recommended for March 30

Leader: The role of the physician in the life of the community is ancient and noble. For as long as there has been illness and disease among humans, there have been those moved to compassion at the suffering of their neighbors – those who has desired to ease the pain and cure the sick. Today we give thanks for those women and men who had found their greatest joy in service to one of the world’s deepest hungers: the hunger for healing and wellness. This morning, let us call upon the memories of the men and women who have served as healers and leaders before us.

Reader: Saint Luke, apostle of Jesus and community physician,

All: We stand on your shoulders.

Reader: Maimonides, Torah scholar, astronomer and physician,

All: We stand on your shoulders.

Reader: Al-Kindi, Arabic philosopher, theologian and father of modern pharmacology,

All: We stand on your shoulders.

Reader: Hellen Brooke Taussig, pediatric cardiologist, professor and president of the American Heart Association,

All: We stand on your shoulders.

Reader: Rebecca Lee Crumpler, first African American female physician and advocate for women and children,

All: We stand on your shoulders.

Leader: On whose shoulders do you stand? At this time, call out the names of the physicians who have inspired and influenced you.

pause for remembrances

We are grateful for the men and women on whose shoulders we stand and seek to honor their memories by our service. Raise up anew in our midst collaborators who can aid us in this sacred work. Make of us a solid foundation for those who will follow in our footsteps. United in thanksgiving and hope, we pray.

All: Amen.

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