Nurse Practitioners Week

Recommended for November 1

Nurse Practitioners are typically celebrated the first full week in November.

Blessed Lord and Savior,
deep in every human heart is a longing for your healing touch.
It is that touch of body and soul that gives consolation and hope,
strength and renewed purpose as part of the goodness of your creation.

As we pray today for all who have a part in your healing ministry,
we hold before you in particular those who serve as Nurse Practitioners.
Strengthen them as they offer their gifts and talents within our team and for the good of our patients.
May they ever find you by their side as they strive to console and heal and lift up those who come to them in need.
Grace them with the courage and skill they need at every step of their way.
We pray this in your holy and blessed and life-giving name, Jesus Christ our Lord.

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