Prayer for Global Travelers

God of All, I ask You to watch over my friends as they journey these days.

Grant them the humility they need to be open to this new experience.

Let them seek honesty in these days, both embracing their many gifts and admitting their struggles.

May excellence characterize all they do today in their service to others.

Give them patience, with themselves and those they encounter, trusting that the goodness of tomorrow is for tomorrow.

Bring out their most authentic selves, having faith that who they are is exactly enough for this task.

Provide them a double portion of prudence, that they may be wise in all they do.

May they seek and find good companionship in the communities where they work.

And when the time has come, return them safely home, filled with the joy that comes from doing Your will, and renewed by the Grace of these days.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


This prayer is inspired by CHA's Guiding Principles for Conducting International Health Activities,  which is available at

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