Prayer for Nursing Assistants

Recommended for June 1

Prayer for Nursing Assistants

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." 
Mother Teresa

You have many titles: nursing assistant, caregiver, listener, hospice aide, friend, family.

You do many things: serve and feed, clean and bath, listen and love, take vital signs and touch hearts.

You are in many places: resident rooms, the bedside and bathroom, the kitchen, your office, your car.

No matter what you are called,
No matter what you do,
No matter where you are,
You are the hands and feet of Christ to those you serve.
You are the eyes of love and care looking into the world and answering to a need: here I am.

In celebration and gratitude for your service, we pray.

God of all Tenderness, with love and patience each day you keep the grass growing and the flowers blooming. Be with our nursing assistants as they tend to the daily needs to those entrusted to their care. When confronted with impatience, give them grace. When surrounded by too much to do, give them clarity. When doubtful of themselves and the gifts they bring, remind them of the power of love in small acts unseen. Amen.

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