World Day of Healing Prayer Service


Leader:  World Day of the Healing is a day in which we give thanks and recognition to those in our  health care ministry, reflect on the Church's teaching on health care, and pray for those who are sick.


Leader:   Healer God, help us never to forget that Your Spirit guides us, Your heart consoles us, and   Your hands bring us healing.  May the thread of your love be interwoven with the love of  our friends and families, and the support provided by all those who care for those in need.

All:  Amen.

Leader:  Let us turn to Scripture and hear the words of Matthew that speak of our responsibility to respond to those who are suffering.

READING - Matthew 25:34-37

Reader:  Jesus said: "Come, you whom my Father has blessed... For I was hungry and you gave me   food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me."


Leader:  The Lord is my light and my help whom then shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life before whom then need I shrink?

All:  Our hope is in the Lord.

Leader:  The Lord keeps me safe in a tent during difficult times.
Sheltering and protecting me in a safe place.

All:  Our hope is in the Lord.

Leader: O Lord hear my voice when I call out to you, hide not your face from me.
Do not dismiss your servant's needs for you have been my help.

All:  Our hope is in the Lord.


Leader:  Tender, compassionate God, we turn to You to receive our prayers for those who are in need of Your healing.

Leader:  For those who feel overwhelmed by their sickness and pain, we pray to the Lord....

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: For those with mental illnesses, especially for those who are alone and those who are homeless, we pray to the Lord...

All:  Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader:  For those who care for the sick, we pray to the Lord...

All:  Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader:  For those who provide health care in countries ravaged by poverty, war and conflict, we pray to the Lord....

Leader:  For those who are near death in our hospitals and long-term care facilities, we pray to the Lord...

All:  Lord, hear our prayer.

Please share petitions of your own.

Leader:  Life-giving God, hear our prayers - those that we have spoken and those that remain in our hearts. We trust in your loving response through Christ our Lord.

All:  Amen.


Leader: Almighty God, guide us to be signs of Your loving presence and instruments of Your healing. Look with compassion on all who are suffering in mind, body, and spirit. Give them courage and hope. We pray this in the name of Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

All:  Amen.

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