World Day of Peace, Jan. 1

Recommended for January 1


In the Gospel according to John, Jesus said to his followers, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." John 14:27

Prince of Peace, as we continue to celebrate your birth and the New Year spread clean before us, we pray that you fulfill your promise and send us your peace.

Please respond: Lord bring your justice and peace.

For peace in our world, that the wars and conflicts which terrorize so many come to an end. May swords turn into ploughshares and war zones to fertile fields. We pray,

Lord bring your justice and peace.

For peace in our communities, that we move beyond the arbitrary divisions and distinctions we use to separate ourselves from one another into an era celebrating what we share. We pray,

Lord bring your justice and peace.

For peace in our facilities, keep us safe from violence in our workplace and gift each person in our buildings the experience of knowing Your peace in their lives. We pray,

Lord bring your justice and peace.

For peace in our departments, that we work together with a shared vision and commitment honoring the gifts and contributions of each one. We pray,

Lord bring your justice and peace.

For peace in ourselves, that in this new year we free our hearts from the violence of comparison, self-doubt, unrealistic expectations and feelings of unworthiness. We pray,

Lord bring your justice and peace.

For those who would do violence to others, soften their hearts, still their minds and shower your grace upon them that they choose the path of peace rather than that of force. For an end to all forms of violence and the full coming of your peace on Earth. We pray,

Lord bring your justice and peace.


"The world must be educated to love Peace, to build it up and defend it."
— Pope Paul VI, 1968

World Day of Peace is a feast day of the Roman Catholic Church dedicated to peace. Held on January 1, on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, it was introduced in 1967 and was inspired by the encyclicals, "Pacem in Terris"; and "Populorum Progressio."

On this day, we act as a global community to take steps toward a more peaceful world.  Through actions and prayer, we are able to work toward a more peaceful future.

Let us pause for a moment of reflection as we pray for world peace.

Loving God, we ask for your help in bringing about peace among all people. As Your children, we are bound to each other through our created nature.  Help us to see that our differences are not cause for conflict. Open our eyes and allow us to see our neighbors as our bothers and sisters. Bless our actions, that they may be the cause of peace and not injustice. Bless our lips, that they may speak your loving words in conversation with all people and be an avenue for change through prayer. 

Related Information

Each year the Vatican announces a theme. The USCCB makes the theme, a papal message and more available on their website at:

© The Catholic Health Association of the United States

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