"Lord, hear my prayer; let my cry come to you. Do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress. Turn your ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly." Psalm 102:2-3
Illness reveals our human vulnerabilities, which is exactly where God meets us.
Let us pray for God's healing presence in all the world's ailments:
For the sick and those impacted by illness of mind, body, or spirit,
For those bound by injustice, or who live in fear.
God of wholeness and hope, heal your people.
For the
imprisoned and those who care for them,
migrants and refugees escaping violence and those who welcome them,
For the
elderly, and anyone who feels forgotten by society,
of wholeness and hope, heal your people.
For safe spaces of healing in all corners of creation:
facilities, homes, churches, and everywhere in between,
For those who offer and those who receive compassionate care therein,
God of wholeness and hope, heal your people.