A Blessing of Healing Hands

Yours are the hands full of experience and skill.
Yours are the hands reaching out with compassion,
Taking time to show care, swiftly taking action.

Yours are the hands gently touching your patients.
You touch families, too.
Yours are the hands that show you care.
You lift the hearts of those who suffer.
Your hands celebrate the joy of healing.
Your hands bless all they touch with the spirit of compassion,

Thank you for sharing your abundance and gifts,
For touching lives and lifting spirits.
Blessings and thanks for the many works of your hands.
May your hands bring healing to all those you touch.

To anoint, get a small amount of oil on your thumb and make a small sign of the cross in the palm of the other person's hand. Each person first receives anointing on the palm of their hand and then turns to the person next to them and anoints their hand with these words:

"May God bless your hands for healing."

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