Intercessions During the Easter Season

Recognizing that we stand ever in need of God's assistance as we walk life's path, in prayer we lift our weakness, vulnerabilities and needs along with all the struggles of the human family.

Please respond, Gracious God, hear our prayer.

We pray for the Catholic Health Association during this Easter season: that we may make room for God in our busy lives, enter into deeperrelationships with God and others, and experience a new springtime of faith, hope,and love. We pray to the Lord.

For all who struggle with the demands of daily life, for theunemployed, for those with no health care, for the homeless, and for those inabusive relationships: that God will ease their struggle, bring hope to their hearts,guide them to the help they need, and show them the path to a new beginning. We pray to the Lord.

For all who are striving to form new governments, for thepeople of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine: that God will enlighten and inspiretheir leaders to build structures that will respect rights, promote life andhealth and establish educational and economic opportunities. We pray to theLord.

Illness and injury touch many people, others await surgeryor the results of tests, and others experience weakness with the advancement ofage, let us ask for God's mercy and compassion for each of them as we now callout their names. We pray to the Lord.

We pray for all of us who will betraveling, that God may protect our journey and return home safely. We pray tothe Lord.

God of love and wholeness, you are everfaithful to your people.  Hear these our prayers and help us to be faithfulwitnesses to you in our relationships, our work and in every facet of ourlives.  We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Lord.


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