2017 World Day of the Sick

25th World Day of the Sick
February 11, 2017

Leader:  The World Day of the Sick, was instituted by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1992 as a special time of prayer and sharing and of offering one's suffering. Each year it is recognized on Feb. 11, the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes, recalling a series of 18 appearances that the Blessed Virgin Mary made to a 14-year-old French peasant girl, Saint Bernadette Soubrious, in the year 1858.

Reader 1:  We pray for the needs of the sick and of all those who suffer — the poor, the infirm, the outcast, the marginalized. May they be recognized, no matter how frail, for their innate and inalienable dignity and mission in life. Like Saint Bernadette, who turned her frailty into support for others, may they bring out in others the love and compassion that are part of every created human heart.

All:  May they find healing and hope.

Reader 2:  We pray for those who provide care and assist the sick—family members, health workers and volunteers—that they may accompany the infirm and show them the love of God made manifest in human hands and hearts. We pray for those in different roles of service and in health care institutions throughout the world, that they will be strengthened in their professionalism and dedication to the sick and the suffering. May they, like Mary, serve to be models of surrender to the will of God.

All:  May they bring healing and hope.

Leader:  With Pope Francis, we pray to Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, that she may obtain for us from Christ her Son, hope, responsibility, commitment, gratitude and joy.

Mary, our Mother,
In Christ you welcome each of us as a son or daughter.
Sustain the trusting expectation of our hearts,
succor us in our infirmities and sufferings,
and guide us to Christ, your Son and our brother.
Help us to entrust ourselves to the Father who accomplishes great things.

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