CHA's ReNew Year resources promote focus on well-being

January 2023

CHA is offering resources to help its members start off the year by focusing on well-being.

Jill Fisk, director of mission services at CHA, says the ReNew Year framework that CHA began rolling out this month is loosely based on the concepts that underpin the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Whole Health approach to care.

The approach puts the person at the center of a circle with mindful awareness surrounding the core and influencers such as "spirit and soul," "moving the body," and "friends, family and co-workers" in the next layer. The VA says Whole Health "centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you."

Fisk says CHA's modified approach aligns with the ministry's Catholic and Christian identity to help users reconnect with themselves, with others and with the ministry's mission, vision and values. She says the approach is based on what members of CHA's well-being task force indicated was needed to help staff improve their well-being.

The task force's recommendation was "to call people back into re-envisioning and reimagining their purpose, their vocation, to be reinspired," she adds.

ReNew Year has a theme for each weekday — Mission Monday, Time to Think Tuesday, Wonder Wednesday, Thankful Thursday and Refocus Friday. Saturday and Sunday share the theme of Worthy Weekend.

The ReNew Year resources are posted on a page of CHA's website. For each day of the week, the webpage includes an explanation of "the why" behind the theme and links to various resources curated by CHA. Those resources include questions for reflection, prayers and videos. Additional resources will be added later.

Josh Matejka, director of creative services at CHA, says ReNew Year was designed to be simple in hopes of helping users develop a rhythm of well-being in their lives. "The idea is that this will be the first step in a more foundational approach to well-being," he says.

The ReNew Year resources are available at


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