The Most Reverend George Leo Thomas was installed as the third bishop of Las Vegas at a May 15 ceremony held at the city's Shrine of the Most Holy Redeemer. Bishop Thomas is a member of the CHA Board of Trustees and serves on its executive committee. At his installation, he was greeted by small groups of well-wishers representing the entire local church, laity, clergy and church ministries. The trio of representatives from the Catholic health care ministry shown here include, from left, Sr. Phyllis Sikora, OP; Sr. Carol Keehan, DC; and Sr. Kathleen McGrail, OP. Sr. Sikora is senior vice president of mission integration and spiritual care at Dignity Health-St. Rose Dominican, Rose de Lima Campus in Henderson, Nev. Sr. Keehan is CHA's president and chief executive officer. Sr. McGrail is vice president of mission integration and spiritual care for Dignity Health-St. Rose Dominican, Siena Campus in Henderson.