
Resources in Integrated Delivery Networks

December 1993

The following articles were published in Health Progress in the past two years. Refer to the annual indexes for each year of Health Progress for more complete listings of articles on integrated delivery networks (IDNs), healthcare system reform, and other issues related to healthcare delivery.

Campbell, Br. Peter, CFX, "Antitrust and IDNs: How Far Can We Go?" September 1993, pp. 54-55, 65. Outlines providers' need for clear antitrust policies as they form IDNs.

Cassidy, Judy, "Network Unites Payers, Physicians, Hospitals," May 1993, pp. 18-21. Focuses on a multi-institutional system whose members have improved access to care and experienced cost savings.

Cassidy, Judy, "Two Collaborative Organizations Improve Care Delivery," March 1993, pp. 22-23, 30. Describes two successful models of collaboration—one in cardiology and one in chronic care.

Coreil, Sr. Bernice, DC, "CHA's Vision of a Redesigned Healthcare System," May 1993, pp. 12-14. Provides Sr. Coreil's testimony to the president's healthcare task force, in which she advocates systemic, person-centered healthcare reform.

Cox, William J., "The Clinton Election: Implications for Healthcare," January-February 1993, pp. 17-18, 29. Compares the Catholic Health Association's reform proposal with a plan President Bill Clinton articulated during his campaign.

Coyle, Sr. Maryanna, SC, "The Leadership Challenge," July-August 1993, pp. 16, 27. Encourages persons in Catholic healthcare to imagine new relationships, initiate appropriate partnerships, and empower others.

"Critical Relationships in Integrated Delivery," December 1993, pp. 38-50. Describes how providers can form solid relationships with other providers, physicians, communities, and payers.

Gillis, Sr. Virginia, RSM, "Sponsorship Networks: A Model for Preserving Congregations' Presence in the Catholic Healthcare Ministry," April 1993, pp. 34-37, 41. Defines sponsorship networks and the five stages of the collaborative process.

Gorshe, Nancy, "An Effective, Efficient Elder Care Program," April 1993, pp. 57-59. Describes a long-term care health maintenance organization that is a type of IDN.

Hume, Susan K., "Integrating Services for the Elderly," October 1993, pp. 22-25, 47. Profiles community-based collaborations among elder care providers, including an integrated information system.

Hume, Susan K., "Long-Term Care and Hospital Collaboration," June 1993, pp. 16-20. Tells how long-term care facilities can initiate collaborative efforts to develop hospital-based skilled nursing facilities.

"In Sight: A Vision for a Healthy America," July-August 1992, pp. 43-60. Reviews presentations from the June 1992 Catholic Health Assembly.

Karst, Philip J., "IDN Development: Issues to Resolve," March 1993, pp. 24-25, 31. Defines integrated delivery networks, the Catholic Health Association's core concept for healthcare system reform.

Morrisey, Rev. Francis G., OMI, "Church Law's Role in Collaborations," November 1993, pp. 24-29. Outlines canon law and other Church principles to guide Catholic healthcare providers contemplating new arrangements.

Neale, Ann, "Aligning IDNs' Financial Interests with Communities' Best Interests," October 1993, pp. 14-15, 47. Focuses on the conflict between the financial interests of managers and care givers in a network and the best interests of those they serve.

Stanley, Sr. Teresa, CCVI, "Meeting Mission Challenges in IDNs," July-August 1993, pp. 28-31, 40. Maintains that Catholic providers participating in an IDN must clarify their mission, evaluate their beliefs, and develop a shared vision.

Suh, Young S., "A System for the Future," December 1993, pp. 51-53, 60. Describes Flint, MI-based Genesys Health System's patient-focused care delivery network.

Wardle, Lynn D., "Conscience Clauses Offer Little Protection," July-August 1993, pp. 79-83. Summarizes the deficiencies in existing laws, the record of hostile judicial interpretations, and the reasons stronger statutory protections are needed.



Resources in Integrated Delivery Networks

Copyright © 1993 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States

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