
Prayer Service — Strength in Community

March-April 2002



Creator God, as Spring begins, we remember your faithfulness and love; we give you thanks for the signs of your presence among us. Grant us grace to enliven our relationships in mutuality, interdependence, and empowerment of others. Give us grace to remain faithful as you are faithful.

May our inner vision be transformed so that we can see more clearly that the one who has called us will strengthen us, the one whose power now at work in us can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.

May we be open to the Spirit, to Sofia, that we may discern with hope and joy and confidence what we are called to be and to become to continue the building of the reign of God. May we be the ones who in faithfulness and solidarity bring the loving compassion and mercy of our God to our needy world. Amen.


Never before have there been more powerful motives for fervor in the service of God than those inspired by the events now taking place all around us . . . Shall we fail to answer the call? I trust that every one of you will remain at [your] post of duty and not be discouraged by the difficulties of our times.

—Basil Anthony Moreau, Circular Letter to the Holy Cross Community, 1848


As Jesus walked along the shores of the Sea of Galilee and noticed Peter and Andrew, James and his brother John, the Spirit moved him to call them to join in his earthly ministry. At that moment, Jesus discovered that his ministry, his work of redemption, was not his alone but was a ministry in community. And so he called these fishermen and a tax collector, a physician, youths, and women and men because from the beginning the work of bringing about the reign of God was the work of a community of persons.


What sustains my fervor during difficult times?

How am I called to contribute to the creation of this community of committed persons in my current post of duty?

What obstacles stand in the way of building community among the persons with whom I serve? Among the trustees with whom I serve?

What can only I bring to this community?


Loving and gracious God, we come before you with unlimited confidence in your love and mercy. Take from us those painful anxieties that separate us from you. Take from us those impediments to building a community of persons committed to bringing about your reign. Give us this day and all our days the grace to be faithful to our call. Amen.

Mary Kathryn Grant, PhD
Ministry Development Resources, Michigan City, IN



Prayer Service - Strength in Community

Copyright © 2002 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.