
Putting Patients First

May-June 1999

Focusing on Cultural Diversity

In the January-February issue of Health Progress, we asked you how your organization addresses cultural diversity. Here's what you told us. Answer this issue's question (below) and we'll publish your answers.

Language of Love
Our cultural diversity is reflected in our mission: Love made visible. We have a Portuguese prayer group weekly. We have confessions available in French, Portuguese, and English. When a resident requests another language, we honor that request.

Sr. Elaine Heffernan, RSM
Director of Pastoral Care
Catholic Memorial Home
Fall River, MA

The Proper Orientation
Seton Healthcare Network in Austin, TX, addresses cultural diversity by incorporating cultural sensitivity into staff behavior expectations. The generic competencies outlined in job descriptions form the basis of the content for orientations. A recently designed two-step orientation for new hires invites participants to reflect on attitudes toward cultural differences.

The process is the beginning of a systemic approach for integrating values in the organization. Subsequent orientations for specialties, sites, and departments will probe the issue further by providing more specific information and facilitating skill building in managing diversity.

Sr. Nannette Gentile, DC
Network Education Coordinator
Seton Healthcare Network
Austin, TX



Putting Patients First - Focusing on Cultural Diversity

Copyright © 1999 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States

For reprint permission, please contact copyright@chausa.org.