
Introduction - A Workforce For Ministry

September-October 2007

Pope John Paul II, in his 1981 encyclical Laborem exercens, said "We must pay more attention to the one who works than to what the worker does. The self-realization of the human person is the measure of what is right and wrong." The following articles in this special section address the notion of work with the human person, the worker, first and foremost in mind. Topics include establishing just wages and benefits packages, spirituality at work, diversity, creating a healthy workplace, and staff recruitment and retention. Also fitting into this theme are the "Press Conference" and "Innovation at Work" departments.

"Work is in the first place 'for the worker' and not the worker 'for work.' Work itself can have greater or lesser objective value, but all work should be judged by the measure of dignity given to the person who carries it out." As we recall these words of Pope John Paul, let us recommit ourselves to promoting and defending human dignity, both that of our patients and, equally, that of our colleagues who make up this workforce for ministry.



Introduction - A Workforce For Ministry

Copyright © 2007 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States

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